2018年,对于正值200周年庆典的巴西国家博物馆而言,本应该是庆祝欢乐的时刻。然而,当地时间9月2日晚,这个巴西最古老、也最重要的自然历史博物馆,却突发大火,使得200 年间众多珍贵的作品、研究和知识遭遇威胁,对历史与文化造成 “无法估量”的损失。
他们是我国经济和社会发展的建设者,在自己的专业岗位挥洒汗水,付出心血; 他们是追求梦想的寻梦者,在广袤的华夏大地绽放美丽人生,实现生命价值; 他们是中外文化交流的友谊使者,在这里的工作生活不但给他们留下美好回忆, 同时也让他们与当地人民结下了深厚的友谊,留下来一篇篇动人的故事。
A new exhibition opened at New Zealand's Te Papa museum in Wellington on Saturday, offering a rare opportunity to have an intimate and immersive encounter with some of the ancient Terracotta Warriors from the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BC). For more than 2,00
The exhibition, International Tour of Traditional Chinese Paintings, was held at the China Cultural Center in Sydney from Dec 11 to 13, offering local people a chance to learn about the age-old traditional Chinese art. On show were 46 paintings created by