中国第一个在话剧舞台扮演 " 冬妮娅 " 的哈尔滨人孙杰女士于 2018 年 4 月 24 日 12 时在北京逝世 终年 92 岁,她是中国话剧舞台上第一位在前苏联话剧《保尔 . 柯察金》中扮演冬妮娅的演员,她的另一个身份是话剧《保尔 . 柯察金》的首译者高莽夫人。
The opening ceremony of an exhibition featuring cultural relics belonging to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was held at the Kremlin in Moscow on April 16.
An intangible cultural heritage show was staged at the headquarters of Jingdong (JD) Group in Beijing, aiming to provide productive protection and inheritance for the intangible cultural heritage through the form of internet plus exhibition.