1. 《微型诗苑》:刊登五行以下的新诗。
2. 《新诗天地》:优先刊登二十行以内新诗,酌情刊登超过20行的新诗。
3. 《本期特辑》:刊登具有特殊意义或体例的新诗,比如“新性灵诗集”,“情诗一组”,等等。
4. 《古诗新意》:刊登今人所写带有新意的近体诗或词。
5. 《经典精译》:刊登经典古诗词的上乘英译文。
6. 《诗文赏析》:刊登《诗殿堂》刊物上登载过的诗文的赏析。
7. 《诗学诗论》:刊登有关诗学的论文。
8. 《人物报导》:(内定,不定期刊登)。
9. 《书画艺术》:可以用于封面和封底的图画。
1. 投《微型诗苑》和《新诗天地》的稿件,请电邮至:npoems@poetryh.com
2. 投《古诗新意》的稿件,请用繁体字,电邮至:cpoems@poetryh.com
3. 投其他栏目,请电邮至contact@poetryh.com
4. 若愿加入华诗会,请发包含“我愿加入华诗会”七字电子邮件至cpa@poetryh.com
1. 您邮件的主题处,请仿照右边格式书写:XXX(本名)投《微型诗苑》5首
2. 您邮件的内容处,请仿照下面格式书写:
第一行 本名:XXX(即真实姓和名全称)
第二行 置名:高山(即诗稿用什么名字发表)
第三行 电子信箱:wangkunlun@hotmail.com
第四行 微信号:wang245(自愿,非必须)
第六行 投《微型诗苑》5首(标明投什么栏目)
第七行 开始张贴你的5首微型诗(你要投稿的诗文)
诗稿后 150字以内个人简介。
最后 如有话说,写这里。
四、投稿日期: 2019年1月1日开始征稿,2019年1月31日结束,2019年3月31日出版
1. 《诗殿堂》刊登高端诗作。稿件一经录用,将被译成英语,用汉英双语纸质书刊形式出版,在世界上主要国家发行。来稿可自带英译文,但本刊保留修改权。来稿推荐自行提供高质量英译(同时提供译者简介),优先录用。
2. 为降低人力资源的消耗,请严格按照以上规定操作,特别是不要从微信里投递稿件。微信名往往跟本名或置名不同,会增加编辑的查找时间和工作量。
3. 请勿一稿多投,尤其是已在其他纸质媒体发表过的作品。投稿者一律文责图责自负,本刊不承担任何责任。发表于本刊的文字图片,本刊拥有编辑,选编,网贴,出版权。
《诗殿堂》编委 2019年1月1日
Preface to the Debut Issue
The invention of the internet has facilitated instant online posting. This has catalyzed the revival of poetry writing, which has furthermore revitalized the rapid emergence of poetry magazines. As a contrast, however, overseas Chinese overall are still dormant to this new burgeoning, although there is no lack of poets among them. Therefore, it’s a demand of time for them to set up a platform of their own to publish their poems. Hence this poetry journal.
Poetry Hall is a none-profitable journal that aims at providing a platform for all Chinese, especially for all overseas Chinese, to publish their well or excellently written poems; Poetry Hall is a Chinese and English bilingual journal that aims at introducing well or excellently written Chinese poetry, in both Chinese and English, to the Chinese language world and to the English language world. Our criterion for selecting contribution is quality; our specialty is bilingual, using both Chinese and English to publish poems. Our philosophy is: Poetry is the voice from the heart. Therefore, we advocate poetry that comes from the bottom of poets’ hearts, that is rich in substance, and that conjures up vivid images and suggests cherished artistic conception.
China has a long history of poetry writing. It has been about two thousand five hundred years since its first poetry book The Book of Songs came out. During this period, just like stars never stay still, the Chinese poetic forms have undergone some changes, from the free tonal-patterned classical poetry, to the strictly tonal-patterned classical poetry, and finally to the modern-Chinese-language-engendered modern poetry. To present multifaceted perspectives of Chinese poetic culture, Poetry Hall accepts the contribution of all well and excellently written poems that are fresh in language and active in content, regardless of their forms and genres, with the focus on newly written modern or contemporary Chinese poems, along with newly created free tonal-patterned and strictly tonal-patterned classical poems.
Plum blossoms emit scent in cold weather;
A sword sharpened through repeated stoning.
A good wording conjures up wind and rain,
A great poem moves gods and immortals.
Let's translate into practice these ancient Chinese poetic maxims and strive together, to make the journal worthy its name.
Poetry Hall
September 1, 2018