为加强世界各国思想文化交流, 加深中外文明互鉴与民心相通, 促进中外文学、出版、翻译与策划专家与中外文化机构间的深度合作、经验交流与项目对接,由中华人民共和国文化部、国家新闻出版广电总局、中国作家协会指导, 文化部外联局主办的“2018 年中外文学出版翻译研修班”活动将于2018 年8 月20 日至27 日在北京举办。(日程安排请见附件)。
“2018 年中外文学出版翻译研修班”日程(草案)
2018 Sino-Foreign Literature Translation & Publishing Workshop
In order to deepen the intellectual and cultural exchanges between China and other countries, strengthen mutual learning and Sino-foreign people-to-people understanding, promote in-depth cooperation and expertise sharing between Chinese and foreign cultural institutions and experts in the fields of literature, publishing and translation, 2018 Sino-Foreign Literature Translation & Publishing Workshop (SFLTP), supported by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and China Writers Association, and hosted by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture, will be held in Beijing from August 20 to 27 (see attachment for preliminary itinerary).
If you are interested, you may click here: http://www.cctss.org/show/sfltp/sfltp to apply for participation in either session (not both) of the Workshop before March 22, 2018. Final sponsored participants attending the Workshop will have their international round-trip travel expense, as well as local food and accommodation related to the Workshop covered by the organizers. Unsponsored participants who are willing to shoulder their own expenses may attend the event as well after obtaining the approval of the Organizing Committee. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you in China!
Preliminary Itinerary