The first cinematic product created through cooperation between China and Laos, the movie The Champa Flower Blooms, premiered on February 3, 2018, in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. It is estimated that 600 China and Laos nationals attended the ceremony and watched the film.
On April 25 of 2016, China and Laos decided to create the film in order to celebrate 55 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Shooting spanned areas of mainland China, Taiwan, Laos, and Thailand and the final product tells the beautiful love story of the Chinese and Laotian people. Adopting a completely new perspective for filming the local customs of Southeast Asia, this transnational story of love, traversing two tales and two generations, serves as a rallying call for universal love.
When Head of Feature-Length Film and Animation at Laos Department of Cinema, director Vannavong Khamphao was interviewed by a CCTSS reporter, he mentioned: “There is both a Chinese and Lao version for this movie,” he mentioned. “They will show in Guangxi come September. Audience members from both countries will be able to see the mystical sights of the two regions’ landscapes for the first time and get a sense of the unique Luang Prabang and Taipei’s Jin San Jiao.” As the first film jointly produced by China and Laos, The Champa Flower Blooms provides an important contribution to developing and strengthening the “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” between the long-time friends.
In recent years, cooperation between China and Laos has garnered gratifying results in whatever field they’ve interacted, this is particularly true of collaborations that have occurred in cultural mediums and the film industry. “In 2004,” Vannavong Khamphao told us, “I translated Zhang Yimou’s film Under the Hawthorn Tree for a 'China Exhibition' jointly held by the Laos Department of Culture and the Chinese embassy. At “ethnic language films week” organized by Laos' “Chinese Culture Center,” such Chinese films as Painted Skin, Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame, and Ip Man were shown with dubbing in Yunnanese ethnic minority languages. This was particularly significant as it forged channels for propagating Chinese creativity and innovation and helped the people of Laos to better understand Chinese culture. In June of 2017, Vannavong Khamphao became a member of CCTSS. Presently, he has produced Lao language dubbings for several Chinese feature films. He has expressed that he looks forward to deeper cooperation between China and Laos and hopes to facilitate more extensive bilateral cultural exchanges by producing a golden bridge between them.